Moona Tikka & Työryhmä
Vuoden Huiput 2015
- Published by Grafia ry
- Graphic design Piëtke Visser, Tony Eräpuro, Vesa Viljakainen / Kuudes Kerros
- Photography Paavo Lehtonen
- Printed and reproduced by Aldus Oy
- Bound by Esko Salonen / Mestarinkirja
- Paper Galerie Art Volume 150g
- Typeface Adelanto JNL ja Simplon Mono
This shamelessly hipsterish catalogue is at the same time fun yet stylish. This is the kind of book that has to live in the present day. Furthermore, the layout succeeds in organising a vast amount of material in an orderly and disciplined fashion. The binding is carefully planned and conceived, and the concept holds well together, with materials, descriptions, colours and typesetting.

Anna-Kaisa Huusko - Johannes Wilenius
Hiort af Ornäs - Muotojen mestari
- Published by Fasetti Oy
- Graphic design Petri Latvala
- Photography Johannes Wilenius
- Reproduced by Johannes Wilenius
- Printed and bound by Tallinna Raamatutrükikoda
- Paper Munken Lynx 150g
- Typeface Ghiberti LP & FF Seria Sans
This typographically beautiful book is as carefully finished as the furniture designed by its topic. This is classic elegance without a dull moment. The pacing of the pictures is enjoyable and the covers are massive like ponderous quality furniture is. The wood grain in back cover intensifies the overall feel.

Juuso Koponen - Jonatan Hildén - Tapio Vapaasalo
Tieto näkyväksi - Informaatiomuotoilun perusteet
- Published by Aalto ARTS Books
- Graphic design Jonatan Hildén, Juuso Koponen, Otto Donner
- Printed and bound by Saarijärven Offset Oy
- Paper Multiart Silk 300g, Munken Lynx 120g
- Typeface Stanley, Fakt Pro
If a book is supposed to tell about conveying the messages through pictures, one should at least expect the pictures to be informative and alluring. Often this is unfortunately not the case. A wide variety of visual imagery and the pink effect colour bring out the essential.

Helena Liikanen-Renger
Maman finlandaise - Poskisuukkoja ja perhe-elämää Etelä-Ranskassa
- Published by Atena Kustannus Oy
- Graphic design Elina Warsta, Ville Lähteenmäki
- Illustration and cover design Elina Warsta
- Printed and bound by Otavan Kirjapaino Oy
- Paper Novel 2.0 70g
- Typeface Arno Pro, Perpetua, Neutraface Text
The calico cover is reminiscent of a diary, further strengthened by handwritten texts and the colourful but mundane illustration. Also the spine is enchantingly different. Glorious flyleaves and quirky vignettes finish the touch. The picture of the author in the back cover is a distant cry from the rest of the book, but maybe necessary for marketing.

Jyrki Sinkkilä - Julia Donner - Meri Mannerla-Magnusson (Toim./Ed.)
Unelma paremmasta maailmasta - Moderni puutarha ja maisema Suomessa 1900-1970
- Published by Aalto ARTS Books
- Graphic design Cleo Bade
- Printed and bound by Aldus Oy
- Paper Scandia 2000 Natural 130g, Scandia 2000 Natural 440g
- Typeface Neutraface, Scala
A beautiful and well-balanced entity with loads of knowledge. Despite its plethora of varied content, this cornucopia is easy to read. The appearance is pleasant and calm. Both typography and the details of the layout have been meticulously carried out up to the lacquer print on the cover, and the wide form is excellent.

Jenni Tuominen - Tuomas Vimma
Pop up - Kanslerin keittokirja
- Published by Kustannusosakeyhtiö Kosmos
- Graphic design Sanna-Reeta Meilahti
- Photography Elvi Rista
- Printed and bound by Bookwell Oy
- Paper Amber Graphics 130g
We have no shortage of quality cookbooks on this day. Pop up stands out from the rest with its varied but clean typography. Simplified use of colours is controlled and lively and the recipes are easily told apart. The cover succeeds in being at the same time clear and plentiful: spoons with the spices, gilded lettering and punching all work surprisingly well together.

Susanna Vento - Riikka Kantinkoski
Green Home Book - Inspiring Book of Plants, Easy Care Tips & Green Homes
- Published by Cozy Publishing
- Graphic design Päivi Häikiö / Agency Leroy
- Photography Riikka Kantinkoski
- Printed and bound by Livonia Print
- Paper Amber Graphic
- Typeface New Baskerville, Requiem
A dream book to gaze upon and enjoy from cover to cover. Clean-white paper, restricted yet harmonious colour scheme, and typography which is beautiful and compact, all speak the same language. The illustrations have breathing space; light, green and oxygen ooze out of blonde and spacious pages. The book is a beautiful object, gold foil in cover and golden headbands and bookmark strip all bring a bit of luxury in the sparse, white-green entity.

Outi Väisänen
Samasta padasta - Huippuhyvää kotiruokaa vauvalle ja itsellesi
- Published by Readme.fi
- Graphic design Anna Salonen / Mottowasabi
- Illustration Anna Salmi / Mottowasabi
- Photography Elvi Rista
- Reproduced by Elvi Rista, Bookwell Oy
- Printed and bound by Bookwell Oy
- Paper Amber Offset
- Typeface Brush Up, Modern Love, Adobe Garamond Pro
Joy of life, stylishness and lack of complication fill this cookbook from cover to cover. Babies’ boisterous food culture bubbles over pages, yet cheerful elegance and disciplined layout guarantee the readability of this charmingly informative book.

Aila Svenskberg (Toim./Ed.)
Eero Aarnio - Värin ja ilon muotoilija
- Published by WSOY, The Design Museum
- Graphic design Bond Agency
- Reproduced by Keski-Suomen Sivu Oy
- Printed and bound by Livonia Print
- Paper Multioffset 140g, Munken Print Cream 80g
- Typeface Neue Haas Grotesk, Monosten, Larish Neue
This is a book that responds to the creations of Eero Aarnio. Skipping the slightly dull typography on the covers, the content speaks out graphically, in Aarnio’s own inimitable style. The colour scheme and the form converse in the voice of the bold designer. Controlled layout lets the works and their humour speak for themselves. Colours are retro-intense but hold in control.