Hannu Mäkelä
Published by Tammi Publishers
Graphic design, illustration, jacket and binding design Marika Maijala
Printed and bound by Otava Book Printing
Paper Scandia 2000 Natural 150 g/m2
Font and font size Linotype Didot, Bickham Script 11 pt

Laura Ruohonen (teksti) - Erika Kallasmaa (kuvitus)
Published and reproduced by Otava Publishing Company
Graphic design, illustration, jacket and binding design Erika Kallasmaa
Printed and bound by Otava Book Printing
Paper Edixion 140 g/m2
Font and font size Palatino 12,5 pt

Eduard Uspenski
Published and reproduced by Otava Publishing Company
Graphic design, jacket and binding design Markus Pyörälä
Illustration Gennadi Kalinovski
Printed and bound by Otava Book Printing
Paper cover: kannen ylivetopaperi: Lessebo Design Smooth Natural 130 g/m2; inside pages: Lux 1.8 80 g/m2
Font and font size ITC Silvermoon, Twentieth Century MT