The Finnish Book Art Committee

The aim of the Finnish Book Art Committee is to draw attention to the book as an artistic whole. When choosing the Most Beautiful Books of the Year the Committee tries to find works in which form and content support each other as well as possible. The starting point for evaluating works is the overall graphic design, beginning with the typography and ending with the finished printed product. As well as classical printing skills, the Committee values fresh and new creative solutions.

The Finnish Book Art committee chooses the Most Beautiful Books of the Year collection annually. One book receives the honorary title of the Most Beautiful book. The year’s most successful book covers forms a group of its own. Honorary diplomas are handed out to the designers, publishers, printers and other production units of prize-winning books.

The Most Beautiful Books are chosen in more than 30 countries each year. In Finland the Most Beautiful Books of the Year have been chosen annually since 1947. The Most Beautiful books collection is on display every year in Finland at venues including libraries and book fairs, and abroad in international festivals and competitions.

The Committee’s long list selection jury evaluates the books entered for the competition and presents them to the main jury which decides on those selected for the Most Beautiful Books. Representatives of the following book and graphic fields participate in the work of the juries:

Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture
Association of Finnish Printmakers
Federation of the Printing Industry in Finland
Finnish Critics’ Association
Finnish Illustration Association
Finnish Library Association
Finnish Publishers Association
Freelance Graphic Artists
Grafia – Association of Visual Communication Designers in Finland
Industrial union
LAB University of Applied Sciences – Institute of Design and Fine Arts

Master Bookbinders’ Guild
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
National Library of Finland
Society of Bibliophiles
Union of Print and Media
University of Lapland

Committee works in cooperation with the National Library.

During 2023–2024 the Finnish Book Art Committee is supported by Kopiosto.


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